Nova Scotia Nature Trust (NSNT) assisted American Friends in the protection of 205 acres of old growth hardwood forest in the Mabou Highlands of Nova Scotia. Landowners Robert and Lee Anne Kinzer donated a conservation easement to American Friends, which preserves the forest and floodplain surrounding Mill Brook, which flows through the property, while also allowing them to continue owning and enjoying the property for years to come.
The property features diverse ecosystems characteristic of the Mabou Highlands, including extensive hardwoods, sugar maple and beech old growth hardwoods, and conifer forests. These forests types help expand the foraging range for animals largely resident in old growth forests. Wetlands at the western portion of the property support a population of beaver and provide good waterfowl habitat.
The Mabou Highlands Trails system passes through the property and includes the Bienn Alasdair and MacPhee Trails. This coastal area of the Mabou Highlands is important because it is one of only a few places in Nova Scotia where the coastline is not encroached upon by highways or secondary roads. NSNT has a long-term campaign focused on working with private landowners in the Mabou Highlands to protect, forever, this unique area. American Friends looks forward to continue working with NSNT on future projects to help further their conservation goals.