Announcing Save Some Green: guide for US owners of Canadian Property
FINALLY! A guide for US owners of Canadian Property
Download Save Some Green: A Handbook for US Taxpayers
American Friends is delighted to announce the availability of Save Some Green: A Handbook for US Taxpayers. For years, Canadian conservation organizations and landowners from the US (and the lawyers, accountants and financial planners who advise them) have been searching for definitive information about bi-national incentives for conserving Canada’s natural heritage.
Our partnership with Ontario Land Trust Alliance (OLTA) and the support of the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) made it possible to research, write, design and print this great resource. American Friends and OLTA hope the handbook will be useful to you, and will lead US taxpayers to protect many ecologically significant properties – in Ontario and beyond. Please share this link with anyone who needs to know about Canadian taxes on properties owned by US taxpayers; and how conservation can reduce or eliminate that liability.
Although Save Some Green was produced to increase the pace and impact of cross-border conservation in Ontario, the information is generally applicable all across Canada because capital gains are taxed on a federal level.
Thank you to OLTA, OTF, Grant Thornton LLP and all of you who provide essential financial support to American Friends for making this publication possible.
We invite you to access one of these tools, Save Some Green, A handbook for US taxpayers.