CONSERVATION MANITOU is a registered charity and is accredited by Environment Canada under the Ecological Gifts Program.

Its mission is to preserve and protect the ecosystem and natural environment of Lake Manitou and its surroundings by acquiring land and conservation easements, either donated or purchased, and providing stewardship services in perpetuity.

The region around Lake Manitou comprises important topographical, ecological and heritage features. It is situated on a high plateau, and its mountains, mature forests, wetlands, streams, tributary lakes, and abundant flora and fauna, form a vital ecosystem contributing to the health of the lake and its watershed. “It is also a priority sector for facilitating the movement of wildlife in the Lower Laurentians”, explains Stephen Takacsy, Chair of CONSERVATION MANITOU. “The area surrounding Lake Manitou forms part of the Tremblant-Prevost Natural Corridor included in the conservation plan of the Nature Conservancy of Canada which has identified it as one of the eco-sensitive zones most at risk in the Laurentians.”

President: Stephen Takacsy
4342 Westmount Avenue, Westmount, Quebec H3Y IW3