GaLTT’s mandate is to protect and restore natural ecosystems on Gabriola and nearby islands, to help provide trail access and other opportunities for people to explore and connect with the natural environment, and to encourage responsible land and water stewardship practices. Volunteers associated with a variety of committees and subcommittees do most of GaLTT’s work to “conserve and connect” through a wide range of activities and programs.

For example, some of our conservation work includes land acquisition and the application of protective mechanisms such as conservation covenants. We also educate and support private landholders protecting native habitat on their own properties through workshops and our Nature Stewards program, do a significant amount of invasive species removal and habitat restoration projects on public lands, and run a Native Plant Depot where plants salvaged from development sites are made freely available.
Our trails work includes enabling, building, and maintaining trails in cooperation with agencies and private landholders, as well as providing trail maps.  We continue to work to improve accessibility to parks, trails and shore accesses for people with mobility challenges, including educating people about etiquette on multi-use trails.
GaLTT President:
GaLTT, PO Box 56, Gabriola, BC Canada V0R 1X0